.:: Qurban ::.

Meaning of Qurban;

Qurban is an Islamic act of worship held on the special occasion or day of "celebration" known as Eidul Adha literally meant "Day of Sacrifice" which refers to the animal slaughtering.

The act of Qurban (Sacrifice) is carried out by millions of Muslims every year during Eid Al-Adha. Following the example of The Father of Prophets, Abraham (AS).

The prophet Muhammad PBUH was asked "What is Qurban?", He answered, "It is the sunnah of your father Ibrahim (AS), for every hair of the Qurban you will receive a reward from Allah and for every hair in the wool you will receive a reward". (Hadith - Ibn Maja and Tirmidhi).

The story of Abraham (AS) and his son, Ismael.

The story goes that God had asked Abraham to sacrifice his son whom he loved so much. This obviously saddens the father as was clear when (based on the Qur'an) he had asked his son's opinion of this. Abraham was basically torn between fulfilling the command of God and the love for his son.

Consider if that were to happen today in the modern (or post modern) family - the possible reply would be: are you freaking nuts!

Hence, consider again the reply from the Ismael that was articulated by the latter in the most calmest of tone - of one who is as devoted and dedicated to the Divine as his father: "fulfill it my dear father, insya allah, you will find me as amongst those with patience".

After some time, Abraham brought his son to the ground where he was to fulfill God's command and at the moment he was about to strike his son - the intervention from the Divine came with the appearance of a lamb.

God's command was now clear: You have done profoundly well as to manifest your devotion to the Divine. Hear is the reward - strike the lamb instead (God is truly most merciful and kind towards the believers).

In commemorating this deed of devotion, Muslim sacrifice a lamb/ sheep/ goat / cow on the Eidul Adha from their own wealth in the name of God and the meat is then distributed to the poor, those in need and close relatives.

Allah (swt) says in the Quran: "It is neither their meat nor their blood, that reaches Allah, it is your piety that reaches Him". (Al Qur'an, Ch:22 v:37)

Anyway, Happy Eidul Adha to all and have faith in whatever you do.


.:: Storyteller ::.

obfuscating and confusing.

.:: about him ::.

My photo
.:: A guy who is sarcastic and sweetly mean in nature ::.

.:: Angels =) ::.

.:: Chatbox ::.